Our daycare is great they focus on free play and are Waldorf based. Sunflower Hill is located on S. Univeristy about 1/2mi. south of I25 and University exit. They go for walks to one of the three local parks weather permitting and have a great backyard for the kids. Personally I think getting the kids outside is essential and too many places have limited access, and if they can go to local parks then I think it's a bit like a field trip everyday. Also Sunflower does a variety of family acitivities like a latern walk, advent garden, halloween parade, which I think helps to make parents, treachers and kids feel a bit more like a family - so try and find places where they do some acitivites outside the realm of just daycare (and gets us as parents prepared for the a future life of outside school activities). I think you're on the right time line for getting her in at two. Just make sure to visit the preschool a few times with your little one (@ different times of day), and ease into the transition to make life easier all around. Allow a month to three month transition period for your little and yourself, we were able to stay at the daycare and help out a bit during her first couple of weeks there and that really helped our DD get adjusted to the situation.