Hi H.,
I too am an avid sling user, love them!!! I and my 2 year old daughter love the folding potty seat I bought from One Step Ahead. It is very affordable, truly compact, folds up and fits in my diaper bag. My daughter complained that it pinched her, so we put some painters tape over the area that unfolds under her legs - no complaints since. She loves that she has "her" seat anywhere we go - Target, the grocery store, the airport, etc. and that it has handles she can hold for security. I love that the handles keep her hands from touching everything yucky in a public restroom. When she's done, it just folds up and I put it in a ziploc bag in my diaper bag. The way that it folds keeps the parts that have touched the toilet on the inside. As I mentioned, we used it while traveling by air, with no problems. Since I always have it in my diaper bag, it's always available. At the time that we traveled, my daughter was kind of potty training, interested when she felt like it. It was great to be able to continue on her schedule as she was comfortable. She was so proud that she made pee pee at the airport! Anyway, I highly recommend it!