My advice to you is to have as many children as God will give you! Children are a blessing and I believe that we are being selfish when we decide Whether or not we will have anymore. THink about why you don't want anymore? What are the reasons? Most of the time it is about us...We can't afford it or I want time for myself or we want to travel...God only gives us what we can handle. Just think about it this way...Which of your children would you be able to give away?? We have 6 children and have never been happier. We have so much fun everywhere we go and at home spending time together. I used to be a teacher also but decided to homeschool my children instead since we feel it is our responsibility to raise our own children! Be wise in your decision. I have spoken to many people that have permanently fixed themselves for not having children and believe it or not...I haven't met one that didn't say they were sorry and wished they could have one more. I guess I don't want to ever be that person that says I wish. Birth control is very dangerous and messes up your body. Please check out a website called "QUIVERFULL.COM" You will find out about different birth controls and how they negatively effect your body.
Good luck in you future decisions.