This has happened to me. I am also on The Pill and after realizing I was a few days late I took a home preg test and it read negative. I waited a few more days, took another test and it still read negative. The next day I called my ob/gyn and she had me come in for an exam and a blood test. The blood test confirmed that I was NOT pregant, but I learned (from my ob/gyn) that it IS possible to miss a period while on the pill. I never knew this! She told me to just continue taking my pill and to start a new pack when I finished my "period week" pills. The next month I got my period on time and everything has been normal and on time ever since. (If I didn't get my period the next month she would have wanted to see me to figure out what was going on - but seeing that I did get my period, I never contacted her.) I would take pre-cautions if I were you..... no drinking/smoking, etc., in case you should be pregnant. But if you are a faithful pill-taker chances are you probably aren't. And I would contact your ob/gyn if you don't get your period soon so she/he can confirm that you are not (or are!) pregnant. Hope your daughter feels better! Best wishes!