OB/GYN In Aurora/Naperville

Updated on July 25, 2006
A.M. asks from Aurora, IL
9 answers

Thanks all for responding to my request looking for a pediatrician for my son. Now I need a doctor!! Looking for a OB/GYN in the Aurora/Naperville area that specializes in working with women of color. Thanks all again!!

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answers from Chicago on

Fox Valley Women's Health Partners
Dr. Carolyn Mills
Dr. Teresa Homan

Actually any doctor in the practice is wonderful, the above two are my favorite! I have been going to them for over 4-years and find so much help and understanding from them.

Good Luck

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answers from Chicago on

Dr Kimberly Wright is wonderful. I just started going to her and I love her. I have other friends that go to her too who like her. She is a "woman of color".



answers from Chicago on

Dr Kim Wright is good. She is out of Edward Hospital and Good Samaritan. Also, I hear Dr Flannery is good. I'm not sure if I'm spelling her name correct. She is out of Edward Hospital also. Good luck.




answers from Chicago on

Hi A..

I am a Black woman living in Naperville. I love the OB/GYN at Edwards and DuPage family medicine (most of them are good). But for the most part all doctors treat Black women or they will be sued for discrimination. This is 2006 and segretion is not legal. If a doctor is treating you unfairly and you feel it is due to your skin color you should talk to a legal professional immediately.

Good Luck
by the way...I'm not L.. I'm a friend of hers writing to your request.




answers from Chicago on

DuPage Medical Group also has a group of ob/gyn doctors. I have good experience with them too.



answers from Chicago on

I highly recommend a practice out of Rush-Copley hospital off Ogden in Aurora. It is an EXCELLENT group. I started out with the midwives, Karen & Noreen. Then I ended up with the doctors, which are also EXCELLENT! I can especially refer Dr. Richard Tom (who delievered my c-sectioned baby - nurses after the delivery commented that he's such an excellent surgeon), Dr. Andrea Jones, and Dr. Bernardita Druhan. You mentioned wanting ones who specialize in working with women of color. Dr. Tom is Asian, Dr. Jones is African American and Dr. Druhan is Philipino. I had my 2 year old son with this practice. I used a practice closer to home for my second son, but I like this Rush-Copley practice so much better that I'm returning there despite the distance. Let me know if you want to know any more on it. Hope this helps. :)



answers from Chicago on

i love my ob dr thomas chen
he's asian of some sorts
but definately american no accent to get in the way



answers from Chicago on

I have experience with both Dr. Druhan (Rush-Copley) and Dr. MIlls (Fox Valley). I prefer Dr. Mills, who delivered my wonderful son! She is very supportive of any decisions you make, allowing me to go through a natural delivery and was very patient with all of my demands! Dr. Druhan (From my experience) was more rushed and not willing to listen to questions or accept my decisions. Her office is closer, but Dr. Mills has offices at Mercy (in Aurora)or Dryer (in Geneva). All of the participating doctors/midwives/nurses have been great. Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

i don't know that they specialize in that, but they are super nice at this group. i LOVE dr mills. she's really sweet and genuine, and makes you feel wonderful about yourself.

Fox Valley Women's and Children's Health Partners
1315 N. Highland, Suite 204, Aurora

good luck!

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