I would deep track of it, which it seems like you do. Maybe something has just thrown you off this month. Hopefully for you it will not happen for another 28 days.
Just thought I'd ask if this has happened to anyone else? I had my monthly friend the 15th of Dec and was expecting it again the 15th of this month. I am pretty reg sometimes a few days early. But this month I started 2 weeks early. I am not on birth control (Alergic). I was just wondering if I should start agian this week or if it will be 28 days from the one 2 weeks ago? Thanks
I would deep track of it, which it seems like you do. Maybe something has just thrown you off this month. Hopefully for you it will not happen for another 28 days.
My guess is that you will have a normal cycle the week of the 28th. You may have had breakthrough bleeding with ovulation. If you are not pregnant, and it happens again, I would make an appointment with the gynecologist just to check things out.
You could start again this month, but it may also be another 28 days. I go through this all the time!!! I figure I am just perimenopause. Started when I was around 35. My mother went through menopause early also. If it continues I would talk to your doctor.
it should be around 28 does from the last one- give or take a few days
It may not have been a real period, but ovulation spotting. Or possibly impantation spotting if there is any chance you could be pregnant.
i had the same problem. one month i hot 2 periods! i called the ob/gyn dr and he asked if i was stressed out. it turns out it was my body responding to all the stress i was having. i have really tried not to be so stressed about everything and it has worked! i havent had a problem since! so maybe it could be what is happing to you too! good luck
THanks for asking.. if i am not on "the pill" this is my same issue (and how i got my son) *giggle*
This has happened to me as well. I am 44, so I attribute mine to premenopause. Mine have always been 3-4 days light. Now the first day is heavy, then 1 lighter day, then skip a day, then a get it for maybe 1-2 more days.
I have one time gotten mine about 2 1/2 weeks after the last time, and then back to a normal cycle.
I call mine "the thing that is trying to control me."
There is no rhyme or reason to mine. I did not start until 2wks b4 I turned 17yo and then I would have 4-5 a yr that were 1-2 dys, Now that I have 2 children, I have spent almost 4 yrs trying to have surgery to end this madness. I am so heavy and clot so much that I have passed out a few times. I have cramps that are so sever that I have to take Vicodin (almost a double does) I go at least 8-10 dys and sometimes 2-3 wks. I am told that I cannot have surgery b/c I have already stated menopause (GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR) I too started menopause early (I was 34yo)
I agree, probably oval spotting, just watch, be prepared to start when it would be your normal time or if it becomes a real concern call your GYN.
jUST wondering if you got your question answered? It sometimes can do that due to changes in your life. Something new or stress. Our bodies react to alot. jot this down and wait to see how it is next month. then if it doesnt come maybe check to see if your going for the girl ;)