My husband is Dslexia well there is programs for this but if you want to help him at home well there is a few things you can do
1. Put his home work on collerd paper it takes the exzity out of it.
2. Rember they learn sight hearing and hands on. so try to teach him in three difernt ways in a row. Like on a chalk bord and pitchers also a story.
3.Test this is so hard for them you can go to his teacher about this learning dissabilty and request test in advance so he can review so when he takes it in class it wount be scarry also you can have his teacher put his test on collerd paper.
Black and white is just to difficalt for kids with this learning diss. to even look at and not get scard.
I think this will help you a little bit and if you have any questions just wright me
not only is my husband this way I usto work with lots of kids in having a learning diss. I went to collage and have a digree in T.A. 4 Sp.Ed
The reason why I wanted to do this is I have learning diss. to
Good luck