Why don't you ask your fiance to tell them. It's his job to address this type of thing with his family and your job to handle your family. Maybe he can just bring it up casually one day to his mom. Like "Yeah, N. has been crazy busy these days. She's trying to get the baby on a schedule that will allow her to get more done, so maybe you guys should call her before stopping by". Also, if they do stop by un-announced, let them in and keep doing what you are doing. If you are breastfeeding, go in another room. If you are about to exercise, pass the baby to them and go do it, if you can. But I understand how you feel because I am the same way. Even with my very good friends. The only difference with me is that I keep the blinds to my front windows cracked, not all the way open, so that I can peek and see who's at the door and decide if I'm going to answer of not. A lot of times, I don't answer. And I don't care if they know I am home, because I let everyone know that I like to know when I'm going to have company. The way I see it is, if you don't care about my wishes, I don't care if you get your feelings hurt because I will leave you standing outside knocking! Let us know how you work this out. :)