Second, get either baby tylenol, or baby motrin (be mindful of the recalls, generic brands should be just fine) and give her the appropriate dose. At this age, dosages are based more on weight. You can call your local pharmacist or your doctor to get the accurage dose. Do not give more than reccomended.
If her fever is persistant, your doctor may reccomend alternating between motrin and tylenol, that is to say,
dose 1 use tylenol,
dose 2 use motrin,
dose 3 use tylenol,
dose 4 use motrin.
The medication will do two things, reduce the fever and make her more comfortable.
Make sure she drinks plenty of fluids. Keep her in cotton clothing, light weight. She can have a light blanket if she is cold. You want to cool her down, but you do not want her to shiver. Shivering will actually raise the fever. So it is a balance.
If the fever is stubborn, give her a popcicle, and a tepid bath...again,avoid the shivering.
Check her temp periodically.
That treats the symptoms.
Now, on for the cause. Check to see if she has any tenderness in or near her ears...or if they look really red. If she has an ear infection, you will want her to be seen by the pedi so he can give her antibiotics.
If it is a cold or flu, you will just need to observe her closely.
Some signs that it is time to take her in immediately:
*Rapid breathing with nasal flaring
*Difficulty breathing, or chest retractions (she sucks in the area between her ribs as well as her stomache)
*Lethargy...This means, she just lays there and does absolutely nothing and cannot be induced to do anything.
* Excessive vomiting and/or diarhea
The odds are, with your loving care and symptom management, she will do just fine. You may not sleep much for awhile.
If you have any questions or fears, call your doctor. It is better to be safe than sorry.