no worries, I was a major tomboy, in fact I didn't grow out of it untill I was in Jr.High, perhaps even high school. I never had issues with thinking I was a boy, I just wasn't interested in ANYTHING girly, I wouldn't be caught dead with a barbie!!!! I had every He-man figure and both castles, Iwas a ninja turtle for halloween and I was one of the best football players in my neighborhood!!!!! And Iwas always trying to escape the house inteh summer with out a shirt, cause none of my friends had to wear them, Of course my mother put her foot down on that one.
BUT, my best friend was as girly as they came, and my He-mans would marry her barbies and they all lived happily ever after. It's just a phase, you can even think of it as a blessing if it works out for her like it did for me, I wasn't even interested in boys till late in high school cause I they weren't a mystery, they were freinds and playmates. (of course when I was interested in them, they all still saw me as the girl next door, but I think that too was to my advantage)
I still to this day get along with Men better then women and my closest friends, my hubby aside, are still boys.... (I say boys, cause that is how I see them, LOL).
I'm sure your daughter will be fine, kids are just gonna liek what they like and if action figures and heros are her thing, no biggy. I think it's good for them to have "strong" icons that are teh good guys....
P.S. on a side note, I have and a totaly princess for a daughter, dress up, make up, jewlery my littel pony. And heres teh kicker, I have a son who loves to play house and cook and takes my daughters baby dolls and pushes them around the neighbor hood to take care of his babies.... Life is funny some times, huh....