I also have a 9 month-old and didn't get much direction from my ped. either. Fortunately she is baby #2 so I at least have a little experience! So the feeding times below are always consistent, and the amounts listed are what I offer her. Some days she is less interested in her solids, so she doesn't finish the whole bowl of food. Other days she eats everything, and some organic puffs too (she can pick them up and feed herself). And some days she drains every bottle, while other days I pour out a few ounces out of each one. She's gaining weight perfectly and always seems happy and satisfied, so I don't worry if she's more or less hungry on different days. I think 28-34 oz of formula per day is recommended. Anyway, this is our day:
6AM bottle (8oz)
9 AM solid food 3-4 oz
10 AM bottle (6-8 oz)
12 PM solid food (3-4 oz)
1 PM bottle (4-6 oz)
3 PM bottle (4 oz)
5 PM solid food (3-4 oz)
6-6:45 PM bottle (8 oz)
6:45-7 PM Bed
Also, I'm making all of her baby food and it's SUPER easy. I'm happy to give you some tips & recipes if you're interested!