here's the thing, if you let someone views on a public website, like FB piss you off so much to the point that your blood boils. Block that stuff. My goodness I can just imagine a few people reading these memes, posts, and rants and running around the house talking to themselves about how Betty Jo believes that gays should be this, or Mary Ann believes Obama is a Muslim. Really life has better ways to waste time. Has a newspaper ever done that to you?
Probably not, because you would like to believe you surround yourself with like minded people, only the false security of a computer screen gives people cajones they never had before.
With anything public there is good and bad. If you dislike FB, because of a few peoples stupid posts, and poo poo a great way to connect and communicate. That is your business to stay in the dark ages of telecommunications.
"I don't like it I wont use it, nah nah na boo boo"
Those privacy settings can mean the world to some people if they learned to use them. Block, Groups, Acquaintances, privacy are our friends when navigating Facebook.
It is your page, and you can post what ever you darn well like, except hundreds of people that you supposedly like, have to live with, and at some point will likely need to have a interaction with in the real life, are watching. They also have freedoms of opinion and if you enjoy ticking those people off, by all means keep posting flaming materials.
I admit I will occasionally post a meme, or an offensive joke, when it pertains to something I like or am doing at the time. If it offends someone, I do apologize, but only if they tell me. If they start throwing a little fit on my site I give them a warning that they have lost it and to think about why they are angry with it. If its SO totally offensive to more than one person and I am made aware, I do delete it. I am not that insensitive.
If I see something that I dont like, depending on that person and what they mean to me, I might comment though I usually just go on scrolling. Life is too short to get upset about some words that another copied and pasted. If they are super offensive...well then GOOD bye (delete), or BLOCK. Done! I can sit back and drink my coffee.