They are insured.. and it did happen there.. so submit the bills to them. Tell them in the future she may need surgery and if so... they will be responsible. My son broke his arm at kindergarten... he fell off the jungle jim.. - he actually came home, told me it hurt.. and I could see it didn't look right.. he never told the teacher.. he was afraid to tell her.. My insurance covered it all but the school said they would pay if need be.. He of course went back.. because he fell off something.. it wasn't like he was pushed of they weren't watching him.. he was hanging on .. and let go.. and fell. things happen. How did it happen to your child?? she or he is a lot younger and they should have been watching them closer... I could see a bump or bruise.. but a broken elbow is more serious.. did they call you .. did they explain what happened?? are you happy with what they told you? as for you paying when she is out.. that's crazy since she is out due to them... not just out cause she has a cold.. Make sure you document everything.. and maybe you might need a lawyer because in the future she may need surgery??? Call the daycare and talk to them about everything.. good luck.. children are the most precious gift we have..