I love the NuvaRing. I've been using it for almost 4 years now and have had no weird side effects, and it's so easy (once a month!). I've been considering getting an IUD, but haven't gotten around to looking into it. :-)
Need opinions on which birth control method i should consider and why? and whether you experieced any side affect with what you've used! thanks!
I love the NuvaRing. I've been using it for almost 4 years now and have had no weird side effects, and it's so easy (once a month!). I've been considering getting an IUD, but haven't gotten around to looking into it. :-)
I have the Mirena IUD. I love it! I don't have to remember to take a pill, I don't get a period and it is good for up to 5 years. I haven't experienced any side effects (that I can tell!) But do a little homework on it. I guess many women do experience side effects with this. Also, if you decide you want to get pregnant again later, it is possible after only a month after removal. Good luck in making your decision.
I used to be on the Depo shot. I was on it off and on since I was 16 until my son was 3. He's now 6 1/2. It was nice, but after awhile, I had significant weight gain. Also, it took almost a year before my period returned. When I talked to the doctor about it, he said even though the shot finished it's cycle (each shot lasts for 3 mo), it has my body thinking it's still going through a cycle. Also, the Depo shot has been linked to bone density loss over time. Recently I gave birth to my daughter and decided that I'm going to do the Mirena. I've talked to quite a few of my friends that have used this and LOVE it. Last up to 5 yr (can take it out sooner if you want) and is supposed to be over 99% effective...which is more effective than getting your tubes tied! WOW! Well, I hope you find the one that works best for you. :D Good luck!
Hi J.,
I've had really good luck in the past with the ortho-evra patch. I used it for about 3 yrs and its one of the only methods that didnt cause my hormones to go crazy. My sister swears by the Nuvaring. Both are not a good choice if you are a smoker. Good luck!
Hi J.-
I have only taken the pill. A few actually. The first one was ortho-novum. it worked well and i had minimal cramps during my period and light bleeding. I was good at taking the pill though so if you can remember to take it GREAT! I also was on ortho-tri cyclen. GREAT if you have bad skin! I did! it worked wonders. no side effects. The only thing I have to tell you about is research has shown that birth control that contains hormones has shown to increase your chances of pre menopausal breast cancer. This runs like blue eyes do in my family so I have decided no more HORMONAL birth control for me. But if you are low risk I would get the pill. They have the least amount of side effects and work well. No weight gain either. I wish I could still take the pills but its too risky for me. My mom took the pill for 16 years and she got breast cancer at 46........died at 47. Very sad but reasearch does show hormone supplements increase your chances. Also I wouldnt reccomend any birth control that makes you have NO PERIODS. Drs say that isnt that safe for your body. Its one thing when your nursing and your NATURALLY not getting a period but to take hormones to stop it.....too risky. Good luck with whatever you choose!!
I use/get the Depo Provera shot. A lot of mom her say it's horrible cause it messes with you hormones way too much, but I enjoy it. I don't have the emotional ups and downs of pills, I forget to take the pills regularly and I don't have to deal with the monthly bleeding on Depo that I would if I was on some other birth control.
Hope this helps,
I have experience with the pill, patch, Nuva ring and Mirena. The pill I hated because I always forgot to take it. The ring was ok but I had more discharge while on it. I loved the patch, I changed it once a week and didn't have any crazy side effects and also had less PMS symptoms. I had the Mirena IUD placed for 2 years and loved not having a period, I also didn't have any weird side effects on the IUD. After coming off the patch, I got pregnant in one month. I had the IUD removed over 1 year ago and just now am starting to have regular periods and still have been unable to get pregnant. I know that others have been able to get pregnant quickly after IUD removal but it isn't always the case. Something to consider if you are planning on having more children.
Merena... love it!! There was spotting for about a month after it was put in and now no periods and I don't have to take a pill every day. When I want to have our second, I got in, have it removed and we're good to go.
I loved loved loved the Mirena IUD. It is brainless, painless and sooo convenient. It worked great for me. You only have to worry about changing it every 5 years or so, and if you decide in the meantime that you want to get pregnant- just have your Dr. remove it. You can get pregnant right away; I did.
I am such a believer in it that I will have another one put back in place after my baby is born, probably about 2 weeks after or so- depending on what the Dr. suggests.
Anyway, that is my opinion. Good luck. :)
I have a copper t (non hormone) IUD, that I got when my daughter was 5 months old, so almost two years ago. I have been happy to have a non-hormone method that doesn't require any extra thought. I had some increase in cramping and slightly heavier periods, but I'm not sure what my "natural" periods were really like anymore, having been on the pill for several years prior to my pregnancy. I didn't want a hormonal method anymore, thus my choice of the IUD now.
I am currently rethinking it only because a friend became pregnant with the IUD, and I'm now tending to worry too much about whether I might have an IUD failure myself...though I believe in the overall high efficacy, I've just run into a mental loop that's driving me a little nuts, and my husband is looking into a "snip" instead.
I had the Mirena IUD and absolutely hated it. I've learned that I have problems with the hormones in most birth control methods that contain hormones. I have decided to go with a diaphragm w/spermicide for that reason. I haven't used it yet because I just had a baby. When we are done having children I am looking into the non-hormone IUD's.
I use the Mirina and I love it. Yes there are some mild side effects but for me they are better than the horrid periods, cramping, migarines, and pain. The side effects are slight weight gain, mild acne break outs and some discomfort after it was put in. The benifits are NO MORE PERIODS!! No more pain! No more PMS. NO more feeling completly out of control of my life.
Once again the side effects I have experienced are very mild and nothing I have not delt with before the implant so I can't be sure it is actualy a side effect.
Good luck!