When you are pregnant your temp will go up at least 4 tenths of a degree and stay up. If you are only on day 12 or 13 you are probably either ovulating or about to. It would be a waste to take a preg test.
So here's the thing - I had a regular cycle last month, period was a little off (spotted for a day, nothing for 2 days, then period for 7 or 8 days), but my temp dropped when my period got heavy. Now I'm on day 12 or 13 of my cycle depending on where you start counting, and my temp is still low.
Can you have a low temp and be pregnant or is there something else going on? I figured I'd take a pee test in the morning with "first urine" or whatever. And what about all the head stuff? It must be low blood pressure (which I've always had but not the extra symptoms like the past two days), I keep meaning to get a cuff and a stethoscope to have at home - mostly for the fun of it because I know how to use it.
Now I'm feeling hyper-sensitive about it all and I swear I smelled clove oil for no reason. I keep thinking "Ack! Smells that aren't the...that's another pregnancy symptom!!" lol
Sorry about the confusion...I haven't been bleeding for 12-13 days, I'm on day 12 or 13 of my cycle. I bled for 6 or 7 as stated above. Now I feel like I should also add that I've been charting for more than a year. I usually ovulate around day 18, have short luteal phases and understand what is considered "normal". I'm really looking for anyone who might know how abnormal cycles can play out. I just don't understand the symptoms when it *seems* that there's no chance I'm pregnant...Maybe I'm just overly attuned to it all and I've actually got a little bit of a bug or something. Thanks for trying to help:)
When you are pregnant your temp will go up at least 4 tenths of a degree and stay up. If you are only on day 12 or 13 you are probably either ovulating or about to. It would be a waste to take a preg test.
progesterone (sp?) is what makes your temp go up, if your temp drops so do your progesterone levels and you need elevated levels to sustain a pregnancy. That being said if something seems off don't be afraid to go see your doctor, they can do bloodwork and confirm if you had been pregnant and possibly had an early miscarriage that didn't expel or if there is a chance of a blighted ovum.
Are you bleeding for 12-13 days? or having no period? If bleeding heavy call your doctor, you could be anemic. You don't want your blood pressure to be low and risk fainting. If not your period it could be pregnancy or stress and still call your doctor. Hope this helps...
Go get the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Dr. Toni Weschler.
An average cycle:
day 1-6 bleed = low temps because of elevated estrogen
around day 14 ovulation = temp jump because of increased progesterone
around day 20 implantation = another jump as progesterone increases to maintain the pregnancy
if not pregnant - around day 27 estrogen increases and progesterone drops and temp drops
if pregnant - temps will maintain at a higher level and the cycle will be missed.
These are averages... women can ovulate early and late. There are no set days from woman to woman and even from cycle to cycle in one person.