5 Months Trouble Sleeping

Updated on December 10, 2008
S.S. asks from Tacoma, WA
9 answers

my daughter just turned 5 months on the 8th. She has been sleeping through the night for about the past month or so. all of a sudden she is now waking up every 2 hours again like when she was first born. any suggestions on how to help her sleep at night.

thanks mom who desperately needs sleep

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answers from Portland on

Looks like other moms have already suggested growth spurts. I would agree with that.

Many first-time parents (including me with my first baby) think that once your baby starts sleeping through the night that they should then continue to do this forevermore and that there is something wrong if they don't. The truth is that babies go through lots of changes the first year (and beyond) and their sleep cycles will change along with growth and development and emotional need. The best thing you can do is be flexible and let her tell you what she needs. I have discovered that since babies sleep patterns change so much the first year, it's just easier for me to have my babies sleep with me. I sleep better and so do they. When they wake up, I just roll over and nurse them and we both just drift back to sleep. Wish I would have done this more with my first baby.

Love that little one and enjoy these precious fleeting days!
J. (mom of 5)



answers from Seattle on

My six month old did the same thing at 5 months for four days. Then all the sudden it got better and she was sleeping through the night even longer than before. Maybe it's just a growth spurt??



answers from Richland on

I agree it's probably a growth spurt. Those usually seem fairly short-lived so she will hopefully get back to her schedule pretty soon. They also tend to wake up more at night as they are learning new developmental tasks. Is she really working on any new skills - rolling over, sitting up?

My 5 1/2 month old has also been waking up more recently.... I think around 6 months is a typical time for a growth spurt. So hang in there and hopefully she'll be back to normal very soon!



answers from Portland on

I'll agree with growth spurts. Also there are tons of developmental milestones coming up that often disturb sleep. Her awareness of the world is opening up and this creates lots for her to process late at night. Is she trying to roll over? Crawl? Learning how to mainpulate objects with her hands? These all keep them awake. Also she's beginning to understand she is her own person and she is different than Mommy. Again, comes with sleep issues. Finally, it's not too early for teeth. My daughter cut her first two teeth the day after she turned 5 months. My daugther slept fairly well from 2-5 months, then lots of things came online for her, and sleep was terrible for about 2 months. Then things settled down. Then came walking, and guess what? Another rough patch.

It's hard to believe, but this is only temporary. The more affection and nurturing you give her now, the more secure, independent, and empowered she will be in the future. If you're nursing don't be afraid to nurse more and more. If you don't already you might try co-sleeping. Side-lying nursing can work well for a lot of moms, allowing them to get more rest while their babies get the food and nurturing they need. That saved me during this time.

Good luck. You are doing a great job!



answers from Seattle on

it probably is due to a growth spurt...babies are not really meant to sleep through the night at 4 months anyway...Let her get through this phase and then start to work on it again.



answers from Portland on

Sounds like maybe she is going through a growth spurt! They usually will be more hungry/sleepy during these times. My son just turned 1 yesterday and still wakes up anywhere from 3-5+ times a night :( It sucks but I know it will be over soon. I also have two other kids one being 32 months and the other being 10 so I understand how much we need our sleep but our kids just don't seem to care :) Hang in there!




answers from Yakima on

Hi S.!

Congrats on your normal happy baby girl! Yep, she's going through a growth spurt. If you are nursing (highly recommended if at all possible), go ahead and nurse when she needs it. To help with the sleep factor, co-sleep! It's perfectly safe if a few guidelines are followed. First and foremost, don't do it when drinking alcohol or drugs that may make you or your spouse sleep more soundly than normal. I've been co-sleeping with our son and I've gone through every stage from birth to 2.5 years without countless sleepless nights. We are both happier for it! I struggled with our oldest to get her to sleep by herself. At 5, I gave up and put her in a loft bed above us. She's been sleeping soundly ever since! At five months you still need lots of sleep too so sleep when she sleeps and sleep with her when ever possible.

I would not suggest introducing solids at this point. Most doctors are recommending that you wait till at least 6 months for even the plainest foods. There are charts available that outline when and what to introduce. If you give them food before they are ready, you may induce allergic reactions to some foods. Better to wait and let them grow enough to tolerate them.

There you go! That is my suggestion! Good luck!



answers from Portland on

The same thing happened with my son (who is now 19 months). He woke every 2 hours from birth-4 months & then started to sleep through the night when all of the sudden at around 6 months, he reverted back to waking every 2-3 hours. It was so hard at the time, because we had just gotten used to having a good chunk of time at night in which to rest. Looking back, I think it was a growth spurt that got him back to waking in the night again. Is your baby waking to feed?

Anyway, by around 10 months, he did go back to sleeping through the night & has done so ever since (except for when he is sick). I think in the first year, it is normal for the sleeping patterns to change alot & you can not count on your baby sleeping through the night, but by a year, they should be able to do it.

We waited until he was 10 months & then tried the "Cry it Out" method. I think every baby is different and you know as a mom, you are most in tune with their personalities & their needs. I just knew around 10 months, that my son was ready to sleep through the night & I knew I could be a better mom in the day to him if I could sleep in the night. It was hard to let him cry it out, but after two nights, he was learning to fall asleep on his own after possible wakings in the night. My son now has great sleep habits. He goes down for naps just fine & is in bed by 9:00pm each night and sleeps until 7:30-8ish.

Believe me, I know how tired you must be & how anxious you are for your baby to sleep through the night- it will happen soon enough. I just don't think it will be consistent though until your baby is closer to a year old. Good luck!



answers from Seattle on

It probably is a growth spurt or a developmental time - those have disrupted my sons sleep (now 9 months) They always seem to pass after a week or 2 but I know it can feel crazy in the midst of them. Try feeding her more times during the day that way she has the calories in her and might not wake up quite as much. It might also be a good time to start trying solids if you haven't already. If a couple weeks go by and she is still waking up then it might have become a habit and you might need to try something else - but for now don't worry. I am sure it is just a short phase. hang in there - we feel your pain!

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