In addition to my answer, please take Dawn B's advice FIRST about seeing the urologist!
If this a case of not "enough" tissue cut away, then I would leave it alone. Uncircumcised boys' flesh does not pull away until about 10 to 12 years old and the parents are told NOT to pull it away AT ALL because it is not meant to be pulled away. It will happen on it's own. Each time you pull the skin apart you are tearing it all over again and it WILL cause problems later.
My son IS circumcised, so I am not making a judgement about that topic. A friend had a son a few years after I did so I learned a lot when I helped her do research on whether or not to circumcise her son. Now that I think about it, I never asked her what they chose :)
Hope your son heals soon and that it heals the way it needs to.