1. Start taking ownership over your decisions. He didn't make you quit your job. That was your decision, despite knowing that he cannot support you financially.
2. Contact social services regarding anything you may be eligible to offset your expenses (including prenatal care).
3. Apply for 3-5 positions EVERY day (no matter what field they may be in). You need an income and benefits and you need them yesterday.
4. Keep in mind that people are suggesting adoption for very good reasons.
- You are not prepared to be a parent for many many reasons (financially unstable being only one)
- Electing to keep your child will impact your child's future as much as your own
- Many people who are in a good place to be a parent are looking for children to love and nurture
*You are not in any place right now to make any decisions on that topic, but it wouldn't hurt anyone to schedule an appointment with an adoption counselor through an agency. You can always thank them for their time and never go back.
Encouraging feedback? Well, my aunt was in your same shoes 23 years ago. She was a senior in college, an honor student and pregnant. He cut out weeks before my cousin was born and she was alone and unemployed. Well... not totally alone. We have a huge family, but essentially she was on her own. The outcome? Many years of sacrifice, tears and second guessing herself (b/c there was no one to give her a second opinion), my cousin is an elite Navy Seal.
I will add this caveat... she could NOT have done this without our family. They lived with my grandparents for two years so that she could work (hourly job, not as an accountant b/c she didn't finish school) without paying for childcare. My other aunts and uncles sent her money when they could for groceries and always made sure that my cousin had the things he needed for school and gifts for holidays. My parents paid his college tuition. Because there was such a large group of people, there was always someone around to help with homework, run him to practices, attend his performances, etc. My aunt was not always able to do. When he entered HS, she finished her degree (again with lots of teamwork) and is now married to a wonderful man.
You have your own place... for now... but you will need to buy things for a baby. Can you do that and pay your rent and utilities?
You have an education... but that's not the same as an income.
You have your own car... for now... but it needs gas and insurance.
Do you have a solid savings account?
What will you have in six months?
What will you have in six years?
If you have a large and giving support network, you can probably make this work. If you don't, start thinking like a parent. A parent thinks about the well being of their child FIRST and themselves second. What needs to happen to create a healthy and secure life for your child? Make a list and get cracking... the next 23 weeks are going to fly by.